Support Local, Shop independent ! Let's keep our Community thriving by choosing local businesses first.

Our Mission

At Stortford Local, our mission is to champion and promote independent local small businesses in Stortford, helping them grow, thrive, and connect with the community. We are dedicated to supporting local entrepreneurs by increasing their visibility and encouraging residents to shop locally. Through collaboration, events, and community-driven initiatives, we aim to strengthen the local economy, foster a sense of community, and create a vibrant, sustainable future for Bishop’s Stortford’s independent businesses.


Build authentic community connections, explore the inner workings of businesses and embrace social engagement.

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Our goal is simple : to showcase the incredible local businesses that make our town unique. From cafes and boutiques to tradespeople and creatives, we want to help residents discover and support the independent businesses that keep Stortford thriving.

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When you support a local small independent business, you are not just supporting the business, but also growing the communty

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